Our Android apps for outdoor activities
Our apps will help you during and after your outdoor activities with GPS. They are third party apps for Strava, Komoot, Relive,…
Download tracks (GPX files) from activities, segments, tours, … and enjoy them your way!

The e-Residency Journey
You can follow my e-Residency Journey, from applying for it to remotely managing a business: bank accounts, annual report, partners, …

La e-Residency: mi travesía
Aquí podéis seguir mi travesía, desde de solicitar la e-Residency hasta gestionar una empresa remotamente: cuentas bancarias, reporte anual, socios, …
Es una adaptación, no una simple traducción del blog anterior.

Invest in Estonia
P2P Lending, Real Estate, Startups, Rental Projects, …